Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Aléa is a national working group dedicated to the analysis of algorithms and random combinatorial structures. It is a meeting place for mathematicians and computer scientists working in the area of discrete models. It is currently supported by CNRS (GDR IM) and was globally animated by Philippe Flajolet. In March 2011 the yearly meeting has gathered in Luminy over 80 participants from about 20 different research laboratories throughout France.

In September 2009, the Algorithms project has started a new participation in the programme funded by the National Research Agency (ANR) entitled BOOLE for “Quantifying Boolean Frameworks”. Four teams are involved: Algorithms from Inria Paris–Rocquencourt, the Universities of Caen, Versailles (coordinator), and Provence Aix–Marseille 1; the project is for 4 years until August 2013. The Inria Team also includes researchers at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS Ulm): Guilhem Semerjian and Jean Vuillemin.